Malaysia Chicken Retail Price 2018
Will retail price of chicken in Malaysia reach RM10.00 price point ?
How many of you actually remember retail price Chicken you bought during festive season or perhaps during tax holiday 2018 ?
*This article is not an indicator of nation economic situation and the article is meant to be self-explanatory. Most of the content are author's interpretation.
It is quite interesting topic to ask how much chicken price back in 2000 ? Certainly, no one could give you a correct number. Even if you have found the actual number, average people just can't do anything about it. All we do is pointing the finger. In fact, time cant be reversed and we cant really move backward in time, people's hope for moving forward may have been the foundation for price hike.
As a consumer, we can't really do anything about it but, we can be an observer. What are the force behind it actually drive the price to further up ? the cost of manpower or just pure business profit margin ?
From the above logic, the price moving upward is a trend could be caused by employee wage increase, fuel increase, currency fluctuation in a sense that business will always maximize it profit in order to be competitive. The price hike is a vicious cycle that in the end of the day government gains lots of corporate taxes and could distribute the wealth back to the people. In often, the flourish of business will create wealth and potentially taking care the people too.
Chicken price during tax holiday 2018. 20 days before September 01, 2018 |
During the tax holiday, Chicken breast price did not reach RM10.00 price point. However, chicken wing and chicken drumstick hit RM12.00 price point. Is Chicken price varies among the store ?
There are reasons why many times common folk pointing fingers to authorities when price suddenly have a upward change rather than business institution. It is uncommon to blame the business community because all they do is to maximize the profit and pay their tax routinely. Not to mention, there are shops everywhere selling the same stuff nationwide. The business competition is so fierce hardly any unethical practice because it will drive the particular business down, investor wealth lost lead to chicken store closing down and business have always been regarded to create wealth and use the wealth to create innovative product in a long run. There were nothing prouder when local business venture to the international stage.
In fact, authorities have the majority people vote in democratic elected nation could have use machinery and mechanism to suppress any business wrongdoings or unethical profiteering. The least they can do is going out and make a campaign in the campaign speech was to encourage people turn their voices toward the business community.
RM10.00 for chicken breast and drumstick. As for chicken wing, there are slight drop in price. Put the blame on chicken vendors is likened mistreat employees who have put lots of effort in slaughter chickens for the public consumption.
Author is not trying to be smart. But, authorities could opt to fine chicken vendor association for market price manipulation, encourages more chicken produce in order to gain more chicken market supply or they could buy all the chicken in the market and sell it cheaply.
Authorities should always monitor market chicken price and make an annual inflation report. It is not transparent and efficient to just make national inflation report that includes everything likely to have intention to misled the public intelligence.
Author is not trying to be smart. But, authorities could opt to fine chicken vendor association for market price manipulation, encourages more chicken produce in order to gain more chicken market supply or they could buy all the chicken in the market and sell it cheaply.
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Chicken price on September 2018. Chicken Leg having a promotion selling only RM6.40 per kg until September 2, 2018 |
Authorities should always monitor market chicken price and make an annual inflation report. It is not transparent and efficient to just make national inflation report that includes everything likely to have intention to misled the public intelligence.