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Showing posts with label Joyce Chu. Show all posts

Youtube fans Meet and Greet at KL LIVE 2014

Robert's Google+

You could be seeing your favorite Malaysian Youtubers at KL LIVE. Do not miss this rare opportunity to see them in close proximity.  

Youtube Fans Meet & Greet Malaysia

Everyone love watching video clips at Youtube. But, many of us do not know actually there are many local Youtubers doing well in making video at Youtube. Basically, there is something like Youtube celebrities they have so many subscribers which translated as a fans.

If you can make a simple video, you can be Youtuber but in order to become Youtube celebrities, I guess your subscriber must be exceed 10,000 subscribers or lesser . It really self-explanatory. There are people who make videos about gaming, funny, parody, cover song, cute baby. Youtube is the easiest way for you to express yourself ! 

"Gangnam style" song by Psy exceeded 2 Billion views a new height for viewing volume. I guess everyone love to watch pop song and culture in South Korea. Besides, we will have "PewdiePie" channel focusing on humorous and gaming horror and adventure genre, this channel has the highest subscriber in a single channel. Internet is so unpredictable and Youtube influences greatly on us especially the younger generation.

There is more to say about Youtube now and it future. Back to the main topic, do you want to see Malaysian Youtubers performing for you ?? Join this Youtube fans Meet and Greet at KL LIVE on Tuesday June 17, 2014. Don be late come early on 6.45 PM . The best thing is yet to be said the entry is free of charge. 

It really excited to know that priority is given if you register yourself at their official website. Which event in Malaysia do not take entry fee ? I guess it would be KL Twin Tower event but it was canceled this year.  

Biggest names on Youtube will be joining us those have been confirmed are Diandra A, Joe Flizzow, SonaOne, Joseph Germani, Joyce Chu, Namewee, Narmi, Red People. Not to mention there will be some Surprise performance by International Youtube stars. Who else are coming to Malaysia ?