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PBIM 2015 has 4 categories Full Run, Half Run, 10km and Fun Run.
runner sitting at one of the Queenbay Mall entrance |
Glad it was not raining anymore. It was raining that day 6pm till 11pm.
The highly anticipated sport Penang Bridge International Marathon heavily supported locally. The starting time for this exclusive annually event on 1.30AM, 22 November 2015. Participants were seen slept on the floor of the esteemed Queenbay Mall.
Dressed in green represented male and as for female runners, it was red. The momentum is slowly gaining pace.
Queenbay Mall boulevard |
Runners were making a short preparation and pumping up the right amount of adrenaline before heading to starting point.
Baggage deposit station |
You rather sleep on that time right now. Most of the staff stationed there were below 20s . The baggage were reaching 5000 units. Meanwhile, There were more than 100 units of removable toilets.
Medical practitioners were standby in case of anyone need medical attention. They were Red crescent Moon, Boy and Girl Brigade, BP Health.
To maintain absolute security, parameter were set by police and police cars and motorbike were parked nearby and can be seen in every corner. Police were instructing a restriction order for any cars parked or crossing nearby the event. I believe it would be strange to say Drone were deployed at the field by either media or enforcement agents.
Fireworks 1 |
As the event begin now, Spectacular sight as awesome as new year countdown fireworks. The big splash rocks the island.
Fireworks marks the opening of Penang Bridge International Marathon 2015 |
As the time stood at 1.30AM, fireworks is released lighting up the sky and firing up the participants. Full Marathon is 42 kilometers run started on 1.30AM and it was a 7 hours duration run.
Terrific fireworks stuns audiences. As there were rain 4 hours ago, the dirt of the field built up on many's shoes.
do you hear and able to see this fireworks too ?
Midnight marathon run always the right temperature compare to daylight. It was not that cold with hundreds of runners altogether. As if marathon was on the daylight, many would suffer difficult task such as scorching hot temperature and traffic congestion. 42 kilometer and duration 7 hours. This category definitely for hardcore runners. It is surprising to know that some runners even completed 7 hours track in less than half planned.
As the intense feeling to be the top 10 in the list overwhelmed the runner seem to be having a immense anxiety emotion on their looks. On the front line where the elite runners lining up full of confidence in their race especially from nation of Kenya. Someone is taking out marathon gun out and fire it off after the 10 seconds countdown by the event host.
Chief minister of Pulai Pinang and runner's family |
PBIM 2015 specially invited Honorary Chief Minister of Pulau Pinang, Mr Lim Guan Eng to oversee the opening of the event. As the full marathon runners left the track, many were starting to goes up the stage in order to take a closer glimpse on the state leaders. It was a friendly approach by both parties.
Two Proton cars as PBIM 2015 lucky draw prizes |
Found the lucky draw prizes. Two local brand car the Proton is sponsoring two car. Each of everyone of us who has joined the marathon and finished it were given a lucky draw number.
Half marathon runners |
They are waiting for 3 o'clock in the morning the starting time for half marathon 21 kilometers. As you can see they are yellow tag bib representing half marathon.
Seiko official timer |
As the half marathon is near to begin, crowd are building up much faster. Most of them are joining the Half Marathon, 10KM Run and Fun Run.
Queenbay Mall |
Some of the runners were equipping themselves with smartphone on their muscle. Checking their heartbeat rate and running distance ?
Come back later for 6.30 am 10 KM run and Fun Run.
ASICS one of the apparel sponsor for PBIM 2015 |
Morning Runners, this is a booth where runners get to sign names on Asics banner.
Do not think 10km and fun run were exciting. It shocking to say that as if one has not walk or run for a long distance refrain from joining. It good for health though !
Do not attempt to join 21km or 42 km categories if you have not joined Fun Run or 10KM categories. Test your limit first !
Almost reach the Iconic Penang Bridge ! The morning view is groundbreaking. It is the same feeling felt by the female runner in front. Runners did not miss the opportunity to take selfie
It is a wonderful joy step foot on the Penang Bridge.
A group of runners were rushing towards the bridge. There were water station extending isotonic drinks to runners on the way and also some portable toilets for the runner convenience.
It was not easy task but it all worth it. Reached the end of the run where Milo (popular chocolate drink) awaiting thirsty affected runners. Fitnesse is part of the Nestle who too own the brand Milo.
Fitnesse booth offering free kokokrunch and flake with some milk in a cup.
Large hot balloon !
Crowd is coming back for more Milo. Wish human were 4 hands as it could carry 4 cups of Milo. Greedy and thirsty runners took 2 cups away. That was inconsiderate acts ! Perhaps should mention those who carry their own bottle, that was absolute ignore the rule for free drink. Hey, many come back for another Milo and you just take it all at once ?
I am afraid how those foreigner's reaction to some non-civilize acts. It happen all the time only Nestle Milo. Addictive ice-cold chocolate flavor !
for any orange drinkers. Some of the booths were not camera captured were Digi, BP Health, Seiko, Flight centre and many more !
Besides, there were local eateries such as Char Kuay Teow, Asam laksa and mee goreng for only RM2.00
The most successful Isotonic drink in Malaysia.
It inevitable to every event there must be an ending. The closing ceremony is presented by leaders of the state. Following a talk igniting the marathon spirit beneath our heart.
Respected panels seated listening to speech. What's next were presentation of marathon winners and lucky draw. It is not that surprising that since it's International level. Some of the runners were from Kenya. Most of the grand prizes were all retrieved by them. It is a big challenge for local to compete with them as one of the runner said the effort was to spent some daily 35 kilometers run. Who would have the time running 35 kilometers daily ?
Indeed, some of the winner were from USA too. Moreover, there were local winners but all from local category where only local community were eligible to win.
Most of the international eligible winner category were all coming from Kenya. They spent 2 hours and half to complete a 42 kilometers marathon. Whereas, a local spent 3 hours and 15 minutes to complete the full marathon. The astonishing record is hard to break. Winning away RM20,000 for both women and male categories.
As for the lucky draw winners, one of the winner are from China and one from Malaysia.
Emcee Penang Bridge International Marathon 2015 |
The second reason why should not miss for PBIM 2016 is for Miss Laureen Quah. Being Emcee for 4 years in a row. See you around !
As you know by now, the marathon only accept online registration. Official receipt as above, Fun Run only cost RM25. A bag pack and sport attire will be given on the collection kit day.
Nearby Hotel to stay recommended is Apple 1 Hotel. It is the nearest budget hotel to Queenbay Mall.
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Date : 22 November 2015
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Starting Point : Queenbay Mall car park, Eastin Hotel highway
Time : 1.30AM - 10AM