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Top Up Steam Account for Summer Sale 2017

Robert's Google+

Buy all the games including "Game of the year" with more than 50% discounted price

Great games are always overprice. It may not overprice but certainly higher than the normal budget for most gamer around the world. 

The Steam's summer sale 2017 is so tempting I bought 4 game titles before it ends on July 6. The game titles are Half Life Complete, Bioshock Infinite, Fallout 3 and Borderlands 2. This sale has cost me more or less RM53.00

We have the tendency bought so many games ended up no time playing it. I have the habit since the era of Playstation one. Speaking of my history of gaming, I used to go to game store to buy the latest games on the shelves but, now with a great platform, we just need bank card numbers and a steam account. Ease the inconvenience of traffic, weather, car maintenance and the possibility of CD failure.

 Yes, all the games I bought are almost obsolete but the review and ratings are high. I am likely purchase more game titles. It could be Outlast and Resident Evil 6. Both specification are compatible with my laptop. Wait, I have to check how much I got left first.

One of the reason why I do not go for the expensive game due to my laptop neither can handle the test of ultra resolution nor the minimal PC specification.

Hey, I bought my laptop on 2016 with tremendous improvement on the sound and graphic quality. I am very grateful to own it indeed!  I do not want to mention my 5 years old laptop sold for merely RM100.

Valve's Steam has improved so much now all the game title are quoted in Malaysia currency and you are able to purchase it using just a debit card.

RHB debit card is one of many card allows you to purchase game title on Steam. Before that, you are required to call the RHB customer service for online transaction.

Remember do keep some savings behind and if you are using your parent card please do consult parent advice !