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Watch Edge of Tomorrow Movie in Malaysia May 29

Robert's Google+

Tom Cruise new movie in 2014. Action-packed, fire, explosion, future, mechanical body armour, alien invasion

Directed by : Doug Liman
Starring : Bill Paxton, Emily Blunt, Tom Cruise
Running time : Approximately 2 hours
Distributor/Producer : Warner Bros

4 largest movies will be released in Malaysia in May 2014. Amazing spiderman 2, Godzilla, X-men Days of future past and Edge of Tomorrow. 

As the title suggested, Edge of Tomorrow movie will be on Malaysia cinema silver screen on May 29, 2014. Don get confused by international releasing date on June 2014 at United States. We might have a chance to watch it a day earlier than May 29, 2014 (Thursday) due to early sneak show on May 28, 2014 (Wednesday)

Like every new movies by Hollywood, you will get a chance to watch it on 2D, 2D or IMAX 3D screen. In the trailer, it seem like Tom Cruise is wearing a mechanical body armor fighting off alien race that had violence intention on the Earth. His most epic quote " It seem like I am in this fight for eternity". It further means that the fighting with Alien race is difficult.

Tom Cruise seem to have time travelling ability to the past to set the human race future better. For example, liken to the movie "X-men Days of the future past", wolverine back to the past to set thing right thus set mutant future better.

However, Edge of Tomorrow Tom Cruise seem to travelling forth and back for many times that He could hardly remember how many times was it. Every time He face the pain of being dead and the pain of watching his world torn apart by violence intended forces.

Will Tom Cruise in the movie Edge of Tomorrow eventually win the formidable alien race. Will Tom cruise a secret weapon his determination and consistent will set a better human future ?

We have seen Tom Cruise have been involved himself for numerous movies that set the time on the future. I guess he really like acting in a futuristic and science fiction movies.