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FIrst H1N1 Case in Malaysia 2014

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Sabah Health Department unveils H1N1 cases in various state's hospital affecting children.

After a week of diagnosing patient with various sophisticated medical tools, they confirmed the H1N1 cases in Sabah capital city Kota Kinabalu and Sandakan hospital. It has happened in the month of January on 2014. It most likely happened in Lunar New Year festival season. It is believed the report is delayed because they do not have sufficient equipment to test them effectively and also partly do not want public members panicking.

Borneo Post reported that it is not only children are affected by H1N1. It potentially affecting adult as there are adults being screened positive in H1N1 test although acknowledging adult people has stronger immune system. Patient are likely showing symptoms like cough, fever and flu. Public members are encouraged to stay away from them and they must take a H1N1 test in nearest hospital for the good of themselves and many. 

Director of Sabah Health Department Dr Christina Rundi said, among the immediate measures taken by the department against spreading of disease were given anti-virus shots to infected patient, expanding the screening process to all who had contacted with H1N1 carrier and disinfecting the ward. She also emphasize that staff working in the related hospital are wearing masks and wash their hand frequently as a preventative measure.

Thestar news portal further published the exact location medical practitioner determined the H1N1 cases was at Likas Women and Children hospital. Hospital director Dr Tan Bee Hwai said, five children and two adult caretakers had been tested positive for the flu virus. As a result, the entire ward of hospital located some 10kms from downtown Kota Kinabalu has been quarantined. 

History of H1N1 in Sabah showed that there were 944 infections in 2009 during H1N1 global pandemic and 26 cases in 2011. Although there are significant cases of H1N1 in Sabah, the sources and origins of H1N1 spreading in Sabah is yet to be uncover. 

 The question of the day can they successfully prevent spreading of H1N1 in Sabah ? They have the right tools and knowledge for doing that? Where is the source of H1N1?

February 13, 2014(update) - Patient diagnosed with H7N9

Author of commented on this H1N1 

H1N1 expertise believed that H1N1 can be killed by sun's hot ray temperature. H1N1 like to travel to the air if it in certain temperature most likely is in colder air. They are killed immediately exposing to certain tropical temperature like Malaysia. Most of the H1N1 history indicated that H1N1 travel north rather than going south as air is colder at north compared to south east asia. Unfortunately, airborne is only one of many ways H1N1 spread.